If you want to find my previous post on the clean-a-thon, go here. Or click on the label – organization. If you would like to visit Nettio’s blog to find about more about the Spring Clean-a-thon, visit here.
So I’m chipping away. Knowing that other people are also working on tackling similar cleaning tasks is motivating. Why do I want to get my digi stash more under control? Because although I still have 27 GB free on my external hard drive. I have more than that waiting on my internal hard drive, waiting to move so that all my supplies can live together in one place. And that just isn’t enough space! I also know that the kits that are on my internal drive are ones that I like more and are better quality than some of the kits on the external drive.
I will admit that I thought for a while to just get a bigger drive to hold all of my stash. But I stopped and realized that this is the time to get myself in control. I am an e-hoarder and I really want to do something about it so that it does not take me so long to get everything backed up (and in turn I believe that I will back up more often if it is not a several day adventure) and so that I can find my stuff that I love!
With that – how am I doing on my goals for this week so far?
1. My email inbox. I’ve gone through all the unread messages and unsubscribed from 3 mailing lists that had a lot of unread messages. I still have to go through the messages I’ve starred or marked to-do.
2. Backup. Hasn’t happened yet.
3. Get into a rhythm with organizing digi scrap supplies and photos. I’ve been working each day on my digi supplies. Moving some into an archive folder (I find it works better for me than if I straight delete). Haven’t worked on photos yet this week.
Mon. March 19, 2012
Main folders: 257
Previews tagged: 933
Total space: 218 GB
Files: 214,238 Files
Folders: 15,801 Folders
Wed. March 21, 2012
Main folders: 227
Previews tagged: 959
Total space: 217 GB
Files: 213,467
Folders: 15,662
I’m doing pretty well on getting rid of extra folders and I have moved some kits. Problem is: I think they are older kits with lower quality, so maybe they really weren’t taking up that much space.
4. Post about my progress – that’s me right now!